For Immediate Release

Wednesday, July 10th, 2019

Action Electronics is excited to join the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) in addition to the NDIA New England Chapter. The NDIA drives strategic dialogue in national security by identifying key issues leveraging the knowledge and experience of its military, government, industry, and academic members to address them.

NDIA Mission Statement:

NDIA is a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit that engages thoughtful and innovative leaders to promote the best policies, practices, products, and technology for warfighters. Also, the NDIA supports others who ensure the safety and security of our nation.

  • Champion issues that contribute to the strength, resiliency, and capacity of the industrial base
  • Build a vigorous, responsive, and collaborative community in support of Defense and National Security
  • Convene legal and ethical forums for the exchange of ideas, information, viewpoints, and capabilities

NDIA’s 6 Strategic Priorities:

  • Advance Budget Stability
  • Expand International Security Cooperation and Interoperability
  • Gain Acquisition Agility and Regulatory Efficiency
  • Promote Innovation in Technology and Process
  • Foster Small Business Success
  • Strengthen the Defense Industrial Base and Workforce


NDIA Divisions facilitate government and industry interchanges, offering a wide array of opportunities to contribute ideas, make recommendations, and participate in objective studies and analyses with the government. The Divisions maintain close contact with representatives of appropriate government agencies and, through their constructive counsel, have become institutions in American defense-industry relationships.

To learn more about the NDIA, click here.