3PL Supply Chain – Third-Party Logistics
The future of being a third-party supply chain company is vast and has a lot of room to grow. Put in the mix the aerospace and the defense industry, and it makes it even more interesting!
So what does the future look like? Well, if we look at the trends, it is easy to see the future will be fast pace and fast approaching! From logistics to technology, these will both continue to play a huge role in the supply chain field.
Before we look at the future of the industry, let’s discuss a third party supply chain company in the aerospace and defense industry is like as well as the growth.
3PL Supply Chain and the Aerospace and Defense Industry
The aerospace is continuing to develop as air travel increases. So there are no surprises that the manufacturing of an aircraft and equipment is also increasing.
The need for new aircrafts is growing, hence making 3pl supply chain companies hot property. The need to be in the air is increasing the logistics and supply chain management, which means new technology and processes are being reviewed and replaced at a rapid pace.
As for the defense industry, this is no different. With a market decline, supply chain management companies are looking to grow profits by cutting costs and maintaining performance. For the defense industry, lean manufacturing to reduce waste and inefficiency has improved production processes. In the future, the need for these initiatives work in a more cost-effective and time-efficient way will continue to develop.
Both industries are experiencing the need for more logistics and supply chain management to scale and maintain business. So let’s dig deeper into the future of both the industries and discuss the logistics and supply chain management.
The Future of the 3PL – Third-Party Logistics
Artificial Intelligence and Automation
So where does the future lie for the 3PL supply chain industry? The future will see a lot more automation! As we are sure you already know, the old school process costs a lot of time, money and labor. To stay competitive logistics and supply chain companies turning to artificial intelligence (AI) will be a game-changer! AI helps to streamline processes and improves time across supply chain management.
Although we have had many advances in warehouse technology, which has maximized a lot of processes within the operations, it is hard to go past the effectiveness of AI and automation.
The term “uberizsation” is a key term which will be used with the growth of supply chain and logistics. With the growth of e-commerce, automation and digitalisation when it comes to trucking, it is forcing freight brokers to change their business model and embrace a mobile application with a freight brokerage platform – these can be compared to ride sharing apps like Uber.
Uberization is also being used for warehousing leasing. “On-demand warehousing” is a way of the future, helping businesses find small spaces for short term needs.
The Environment
One of the greatest innovative looking into the future of supply chain management and logistics is prioritizing sustainability and carbon footprint reduction. In the future, we can see the increase in changing business models to reflect environmental friendly practices.
With new technology always developing, supply chain management will continuing be looking for ways to work faster and more efficiently while not causing more harm to the environment. The future is looking pretty exciting and bright.
Do you want to get ahead of the game with your business? We can help you with all your logistics and supply chain management needs. Call Action Electronics today!